We Share Podcast

Anchored, Amplified, and Bold: Manifesting Growth in 2025

Alex Kepas & Julie Mason

On this episode of the We Share Podcast, Alex and Julie reflect on their experiences in 2024 and share their hopes for 2025. They discuss the importance of growth through challenges, the value of setting intentions for the year, and the personal words they’ve chosen to guide their journey—"anchor," "amplify," and "bold." Alex opens up about her role as an anchor in her family and her commitment to amplifying her strengths, while Julie explores boldness in action and embracing her softer side.

They touch on meaningful life moments, including Alex’s daughter's near-miss car accident, which reinforces the importance of cherishing every day. The hosts also talk about New Year’s Eve celebrations, personal growth, and the excitement of upcoming episodes focused on wellness. As always, Alex and Julie invite listeners to share their goals, stories, and topics for discussion in the coming year.

With heartfelt wishes for strength and peace in 2025, Alex and Julie encourage everyone to tackle the new year with intention, resilience, and an open heart.

I wished everyone, like strength and peace in 2025. But I also said, I wish for you to have challenges, because whenever we're going to have them, yeah, you're going to grow from them. And so if you turn your challenges into triumphs, that's when you've succeeded. On this episode of the We Share podcast, Alex and Julie reflect on 2024 and dive into their expectations for 2025.

Welcome to the We Share podcast. I'm Julie. I'm Alex. We share ourselves and we provide a platform for others to share. We believe everyone has a purpose and a story to tell. And we're back on the We Share podcast. I'm Julie and I'm Alex. It's 2025. Know who would would've guessed we'd make it this far. We've done so good.

Are you excited? I am excited for this next year. Like beyond excited. Yeah, I'm excited too. Okay. Why are you excited? What's what's fueling. I think all the things that I've been doing in my life are working up to this, like, pinnacle year. So I'm. I'm manifesting some major things this year. I hold me accountable that I will next year, 2025.

Look, I've already holding you accountable. We've had some strong conversations about previous years. Yes. And you've done some hard things. There's been growth. Yes. You know, you don't talk about them all, but some really hard things happened and you've triumphed. Yes. In my other podcast, so my crime podcast, I wished everyone, like strength and peace in 2025.

But I also said, I wish for you to have challenges because whenever we're going to have them, yeah, you're going to grow for them. And so if you turn your challenges into triumphs, that's when you've succeeded. So I would say you've turned challenges into triumphs. So I, I one of my favorite phrases is turn your pain into your purpose.

So if you can transmit that and but it's not easy to do. Yeah. And it's so easy to go fall back into old patterns. So, you know, here we are at the beginning of 2025 and everyone's making new resolutions or setting new goals. I, I started a little bit ahead of the game, and then I have this, I don't know, I go in and maybe you can relate like there's all this pressure.

So the first couple days I'm like just watching football and taking down my Christmas and stuff. But I know that I have work to do now because I've made these commitments and plans and it's going to be hard and busy, but you know, I'll be worth it. I know you can do it. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. So do we do the stereotypical thing?

Do we pick a word for the year or. I want to pick a word, but I might pick three. I don't know. Well, there's no rules. We can do whatever we want. So I typically just pick one, and. Yeah, I don't know. Why don't you share yours? Okay. I'm going to try to pull up my so post that I.

Okay. Let me first explain a little bit about myself. Okay. I think there's people out there that are designed for goal. Making goal setting goalkeeping. And they do it very, systematically. Like, people have to start their weight loss journey on the first day of the month, or people have to do their saving of money based upon monthly calendaring or, you know, things like that, like they need those, those boundaries.

And that's when they flourish. Right. I'm not that person. So the beginning of the year has never been, I am now today going to change my entire life because when I, when I want to do something, I just change it, or I just go forward. Yeah. And you don't ever live two years the same. No I don't.

Yeah, I it's just always changing. So with that being said, I'm not a huge goal setter at the beginning of the year, but I do tend to pick a word that I like to just kind of like, let it simmer and the back part of my brain so that when a challenge does come or an opportunity does come, that words just kind of percolating back there.

And I'm like, remember that word? I have picked, like one year, I, I, I picked Lean in because I think if you lean into opportunities or lean into challenges or lean into difficulties or lean into, newness, right? There's lots of great that can come from that. So I was thinking about the word for the year, for 20, 25, and I thought about the word anchor.

I was trying to think, what am I really good at? And I feel like I'm a good anchor for my family and that that's been important. So I'm going to continue that. And you're you're also kind of like an anchor woman. I am it matches my job. Matches your job? Yeah. Yes. And I feel like I also I sometimes I take up hard causes like in discussions that I have.

And then I feel like I'm really anchored to my, my principles and things like that. Yeah. Your core values. Yeah. Those anchor us, right? Yes. So I think it's a word. More or not. That's something I'm trying to achieve, but something that matches me. And I want to amplify that because I've it's in there. Let's make it bigger and bolder and better.

Right. Yeah. So that's crazy. You just said two of my words. Oh, that last sentence. The bold. I know you amplify. Yeah. So I wanted to like 25. Yeah. 20, 25. Be a year of amplifying my life. And all aspects. But then, a word bold came to me, like, maybe two weeks ago. I was probably listening to my podcast because that seems to be what happens at the gym and just taking bold action.

And also being bold, like standing my ground when I need to. No matter the consequences. And I think there are good things from from being bold. I also struggle with the masculine feminine because I really do want to step into my feminine and, like I would. I hate to say this out loud, but I would love to be a wife.

I'm ready to be a wife, but I'm not just going to get married. Get married. Yeah, but I, I couldn't have said that seven years ago. Yes. I don't want to get married again. I wasn't hopeful of that. But now I can see if I am in a relationship with the right person. I definitely want to take that step.

So I love that and being brave. Yeah. So let let's reflect on something that I watched you go through during one of our podcasts about, I don't know, a month and a half ago. We had the, the interfaith. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yes. And off air, we talked about the unfortunate, death of one of a person that you're.

I wouldn't say a close friend, but that you had strong, a clean acquaintance. Yeah. And, she chose to take her own life. Yes. And I, you sat here and wept about it. And you, you said while talking amongst us women that you were going to be bolder and reach out to your friends. Yeah. You, you committed to that and and we're doing it.

Yes. And I believe that's embracing your feminine side. You're going to be bold. And what can be sometimes difficult conversations or make you maybe feel a little foolish because you reach out to someone you're like, I don't know what I'm supposed to, but I'm here. You're willing to do that? And I think your personality is the perfect kind of personality to do it.

So on mine you know being anchored and and finding what's good in me and then and amplifying it. I think you have that that ability to reach out to people and be bold like that. It's really part of you. And I, I know, I, I mean, we are who we are, right? Right. And I know I can come across it like, very confident to people and almost intimidating.

I've heard that from. Yeah. Females and but really I have the soft side. So a lot of it is just this persona that I've put on for some for so long. So it's being bold enough to share that softer side and not be a mean harsh. Yeah. No, those are don't. We should never confuse those two words because you can be you can be very bold in love.

Yes. And that can be very feminine, very intimate, very warm, very. Yeah. It's not harsher cold. Right. And and opening like my mind, my heart and soul to opportunities that I think I've been pretty guarded. I've. I've played things pretty safe. I feel like I'm a little bit of a control freak. So it's being bold and letting go of some of that.

And, let it be messy for a minute. Yeah, because that's the only way I'm going to get what I want, as if I really say it out loud and then take action. I would also say, and and you can stop me if you don't want to share this with everyone. But I would also say, as you have progressed in motherhood, you are now at the point as a mother to your children that they're going to allow it to get a little messy.

Yeah. You don't always have that option as a mother, right? Sometimes you're keeping all the pieces glued together. Yes. And you're keeping everything afloat. And you're you're making it run. And lots of times in your situation, you're functioning as mom and dad, right? And like your kids are, I have grown and are at a spot that that it's okay if you get a little messy right now.

Oh, yeah. And and I think they all understand that I have held out together for so long, and it's almost my turn. I mean, technically, it might not be this next year, like a year and a half. I just think some exciting things will happen in 2020. Take a year and a half for that to blossom because Ali graduates and that's like like in 2026.

And so that will be my real true focus is giving her that senior year what she needs. Yeah. And she was I mean, we had a little scare the other day. She was in car accident and she wasn't driving. And their car slid and went into a canal. But back to tires kept them from falling into the canal.

And so the car was like basically like they were hanging from their seatbelts, like looking into the canal. And, luckily they got out and I think she has a little PTSD from it, but no one was hurt. But so lucky that nothing worse happened. And you have moments like that. You're like, any of our lives could change at any moment.

And so it's just so important that we live each day the best we can, right? Like, where am I going with this? It's like, well, I would think that's your word amplify. Yeah. That is it easy to skate. It is. And I think we all do it like we have days where I gave about 40% to day, but, amplifying is not having a majority of your days be 40%.

And so true. And so you learn from situations like Ali was just and that tomorrow actually matters. Yes. Yeah. So I think that that's awesome. Like and again it focuses back. We're going to have challenges. Difficulties car accidents. Now of things that are I mean to hear her and her 16 year old experiences and and describe it.

She's like mom. It was just like we weren't even going fast and there was nothing said could do. The card was just sliding and we could see it coming. And and then once we went over the concrete barrier and were just hanging there, we looked at each other hanging from our seatbelts like, are you okay? Are you okay?

And then they knew they had an anchor car, seatbelts and try to get out. And thankfully, a man stopped. Like she said, it was not even 30s later that someone was like opening the back door to help them get out. So it's just a little miracle. Yeah. Because they were panicked 16 year old girls. Oh you would be terrified.

Yeah 216. I never happened to me when I was 16. So it didn't happen to me either. Yeah. The you would be terrified. Yes, and I was I had one of those mom moments. We've talked about this before as well, where I'm like, she should have called by now. I haven't heard from her. What's going on? Kept checking her location on my phone.

She's still an expert. She doesn't answer my call, and then she sends me texts her mom. We were in a car accident. I'm okay, but I'll call you in a little back, and I'm like. But. So that time was very like. I was just frantic. Yes. So nervous. And. And then after talking to her, I felt more at ease until she sent me the picture.

And then I was like, oh my goodness, you guys must have been terrified just hanging there. Yeah. So I'm just lucky. It's so hard, to let them go and do Grown-Up things and travel a freeway and. Yeah, yeah. And have a sleepover that I still was like, I don't even know all these people you're having. Like, there's some place in Rexburg.

It's an old abandoned or what? It was an old school, and then they converted it into an Airbnb. Have you heard of this? No. And it sleeps like a hundred people. Oh my goodness. So they had like three families and a bunch of their friends, and they threw a huge party up there for New Year's Eve. Okay. Now I'm going to have to look this up.

I know, I'm like, how do I not know about this? And yeah, this is a big like, diversion. But I saw a, TikTok the other day of a young man showing a school that they had converted into their family home. So all the kids are grown now? Yeah. So the two grown sons each live in like a wing, and they have.

It looks like their own apartments. Right. And then they have, like, the gym and that, like, it's an old school. And then the parents live on another part of the school, and they just all put it in together and did this, and it was amazing. That's what they had put together. It's probably really smart. It's like, here's our compound, our family compound.

Do you know what that said to me, though, that day as I was like, there's no rules anymore. There's no rules. I kid you just you make what works. You make it. Yeah. And and if that means you're paying an elementary school and you must have had good memories in that school. Yes, I had good memories at my elementary.

I could I could maybe live in it. I don't know, new carpet would definitely be an order.

Do you ever get rid of the lunchroom smell? I know, probably not. Starchy mess the dryer, the wine. So I used to be on the staff. They have to make the peanut butter bars with the chocolate frosting every day. Like, seriously, there are some some memories of good lunch food. Yeah. Oh, good. Okay. Anything else you want to accomplish in 2025?

Really specific stuff. I really want to bring our our community what they want to hear. So I wanted to also use this, episode as an invitation, like please DMs, or post anything topics you want to hear about. We are going to focus on wellness for the rest of January. We have a couple different instructors, owners, fitness professionals, medical professionals, people that have I feel like I've done a good example or they're a good example of, wellness.

And so we're going to have them on. But what better time. Yes. People have made, you know, health goals. Yes. For. I mean, we should do this all year round. And I feel like we do. We bring on wellness guests all the time. But, if there's something out there that you want to know more about or if you want to come on our show and share something, your story or an experience, like if people could gain, life lessons or like, learn something from you, please come and please let us know.

Yeah. This is a place of authenticity. That's what we bring to these microphones. And that means your voice to. Yes. Any books you want us to talk about or, read? I feel like I'm always reading something. I've tried to deviate from self-help for, like, a month, and now I'm back into, like, candid self-help because I.

I tried fantasy guys. It does not work. Not romantic fantasy about like, dragons. And it is interesting to me because that's not my my thing either. But my girls have gotten into those, like, what is it? The Crown books, the whatever they're called, like the series of fantasy? Yeah, yeah, I think mine might have been one of those.

And it was the highly regarded like to start in one of a series and I'm like, I couldn't finish it. And I'm like, I'm God, I wasn't in college and I wasn't assigned to read that book. Yeah, because it was painful. I had just dragons don't do it for me. I'm fine. And yeah, I just finished, listening to a book.

Called The Five Year Lie, and it's a thriller. And I was like, you're going to say it and, like, parallels to your life. Yeah, I feel like I just. I knows a thriller. There's death in it. But, if you're looking for something that's light enough that you can listen to while you're like, cleaning the house or whatever, it's a good little thriller.

You can handle death. Way better than I can. Yeah, maybe that's a not so great part of me. I don't know, I know you just. You like. It doesn't. Sometimes I'll tell my client about, like, crime story that I'm. I'm researching, and they'll stare at me like, what are you doing with your life? What? What about because you read a lot of it, right?

But the visuals, the visuals impact you? Yeah. Because there's I'm when I read it, all of I search for pictures all the time to fully understand the crime scene and stuff like that. So, yeah. Yeah. Okay. Just covered a this is way off topic, but I just covered a crime story where, it involved a man purposely wrecking the truck, and it killed his two year old, and he thought he was going to kill both of them.

But his wife stayed alive while his girlfriend stayed alive. The pictures of that truck are just haunting. I can't believe anyone lived through that accident. So he lived. And the girl, he died. Oh, he died. The two year old died. But the girlfriend left the girlfriend. But he thought they were all going to die. Yeah, the girlfriend is now in jail because they have another child that's missing.

And they probably killed that child. Allegedly. Oh, is this in the Deep South? Where was this? It was Alabama.

I just I just had to feel like. Let me add to it. He's married to somebody else, but he's got two kids with this woman. Oh, you just you never know. But you hear these stories or watch the movies and and then you travel a bit and you're like, that person looks like this, like Alabama hooker. But I like Alabama.

Yeah, I don't I just don't like I like romantic comedies. I like Virgin River, although it's segue to a little bit. I'm not so crazy about season six, but is it in season six? Yeah. Wow. I'm like wondering if I hadn't missed a season because it do I want to watch the first seasons? I like the first seasons.

I think I liked it better, like now a couple characters kind of get on my nerves. Okay, but the scenery, it's so pretty. You know, I like mountain towns and rivers and I'm so known for this, starting a series and only getting through the first season or the first two seasons, like people told me. I would love Dexter, right?

I have a true crime podcast, like I just you don't. I thought the first season of Dexter was good. Yeah, episode one and two. I might have got to the third. In the second season, I was like, I can't do this, I can't, but that's very me. I tire too quickly. Yes, I think I only did the first season.

I again, dark stuff is too much. That's like that's a dark series arc. And then when again, being single, I don't need those kind of thoughts in my head. Yeah, because I will literally not sleep at night. I, I've ordered, I already checked my locks multiple times to make sure. Do we need to get ring to sponsor a ring?

Oh, you did get a this is this was a new thing, an early Christmas present to myself before I went to Nashville so that I could, like, watch my daughter and just kind of keep track of dogs and stuff. So I haven't and I have inside cameras and a ring doorbell, but it goes off all the time. Yeah, I can say it's very distracting in my work day.

Like bring like, yeah, it's almost like a you need to set it for a different tone and then ignore it and check it like once an hour, go back and look at the videos. I took it off of my phone. My husband tracks it. I probably, well, I can't because I don't have a husband to track it and but it's a lot because, I mean, think of deliveries for Christmas.

The ring was going off all day. Well, and imagine if you lived on a fairly busy street. Oh, that's true, I don't so my ring doorbell doesn't go off that much. It's for deliveries when the clients come and then, you know it's just coming. And someone just walks by in front of my house on the sidewalk. It's going to go off.

It goes off. Yeah yeah that's a lot of notifications. It's a lot. And yeah. But it did make me feel safer traveling and leaving my home so good I think. Yeah. All in all it's a good good purchase. So ring. Yes. If you want to sponsor. We just thought it was great. Give me the subscription. Yeah a monthly I already invested in your product.

Yeah. Keep the single lady safe I love that okay. So words for 2025. Anchor amplify. I'm bold. Hear me. Tell us what your words are. Let us know you want to hear. Yeah, because I get inspiration from watching other people. Which is why I'm going to remember that you committed to, you know, reaching out to friends because I watched you do that.

And then I go, I need to be better at that. I need it. So I get inspiration from what other people do. So I'd love to hear your words. Any any did. What did you do for New Year's Eve? Like I wanted nothing. Nothing. Did you go to bed? I went to bed before midnight. And my neighbor, who's a little bit of a pyromaniac, I love him, but the 4th of July is not the 4th of July.

It's many days before. And many days of after of setting off illegal fireworks. I don't even know why. I didn't think that he would set off fireworks at midnight, so I went to bed not expecting it. And when that first loud illegal firework went off in my cul de sac, I shot up out of that, like, like or, like The Exorcist.

And I was like, And my little dog was, kind of down by my knees on top of the covers. She jumped up like, what's going on? It was terrifying. What about your husband? Oh, slept right through it. Not really. Really. And not shocking at all. Not when he's snoring. And I have to move him. It is multiple shakes of his shoulder to get him to roll over this.

I. So the last few years I have been in bed, I've watched the earlier one like it New York or Nashville and I've gone to bed. But this year I stayed up because my dear friends got engaged and that was exciting. And we knew it was going to happen. So that was, that was really fun. Other than the dance party after I didn't keep my shoes on and I got spiked.

Oh, I my friend in some new boots, she literally like didn't break a toe. I think my fourth toe is broken. It's a glove. It's a little tail because she went up and down and twisted. And when I realized what had happened, I kind of hopped through the rest of the dance. Didn't want to like, call attention. And then soon the blood came.

So I might lose a toenail, too. And it's pretty bruised, but I did go to the gym yesterday. I worked out at home this morning on the bike. I was, I figured, well, a little bit. Tim. Like, maybe the gym was too much. Yeah, the gym yesterday was a little bit too much, on the treadmill, but hopefully skiing will be fine.

The boot will protect me. And I'm glad it wasn't my big toe. Yeah, because big toes play a larger part in your balance and. Yeah. Yes. So the ring toe. I'm not sure. Just it's it's always been an ugly toe. So it's just uglier, right. Yeah. But yeah, but it was a fun New Year's to like, dance and celebrate.

And now it's going to be fun to help. You know her any way she wants to help plan a wedding and stuff. So that's good. Yeah, that's a great thing to look forward to. Yeah. So fun. All right. Yeah. Okay. Well, we'll wrap this up, please let us know what you want. And, careers. Yeah. Share and be looking for, so, a couple of the next podcasts, we're going to focus on health.

Yeah. All right. Thanks. Thanks for joining us today on the We Share podcast. If you've loved what you've heard, please give us a five star rating. Tell your friends and share this show. You can also follow us for recipes, lifestyle and fashion tips, book reviews and more on our podcast.com. Join our share squad and sign up for our newsletter there.

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