We Share Podcast
Genuinely, We Share ourselves and provide a platform for others to share personal experiences. We believe everyone has a purpose and a story to tell. Together, We Share will build an authentic tribe, inspire, and contribute to our communities and families.
We Share Podcast
Beyond the Mirror: Megan Tucker on Self-Love, Resilience, and Redefining Success
On this episode, Alex and Julie meet with Megan Tucker, who opens up about her journey through depression and self-discovery, sharing valuable insights on mental health, resilience, and self-love. She reflects on how societal expectations and personal struggles, like juggling motherhood and a fitness career, led her to a transformative realization: that true contentment doesn't come from outward achievements or physical goals, but rather from inner acceptance and nurturing self-worth.
Megan discusses her journey of learning to appreciate her body and spirit during her most challenging moments, even when she felt emotionally and physically depleted. She talks about the importance of self-love as a foundation for growth, not just for personal transformation, but also as a way to support her children by providing a stable, non-reactive presence during their hard times. Megan’s story illustrates that self-acceptance enables a deeper understanding of one's worth beyond societal ideals and serves as a vital example of resilience and healing for those around her.
Now as a nurse, Megan combines her passion for health with her life lessons, aiming to teach women the importance of embracing themselves fully rather than relying on a fitness or meal plan to find fulfillment. Her approach encourages listeners to look within, creating a lasting and transformative shift that’s fueled by genuine self-love, rather than temporary external fixes. Through her story, Megan highlights how inner work and vulnerability build a stronger foundation for achieving goals and finding purpose.
Willing to do that for yourself. But the biggesD3:D207your kids is that when they're going through a hard time, I'm not taking it personally. I'm not. Oh my gosh. Getting triggered that I'm a bad mom or worried about. It's like I can sit with them through their pain because I learned to sit with them. And so I think that's the biggest thing that we learn and that's how we help our kids most, is like, guess what?
It's okay to have these emotions big in their heart and it's not comfortable and it can be scary to share it. But we can't sit with someone else's pain if we haven't been willing to sit with our own.
Today on the We Share podcast, we're joined by Megan Tucker, wellness practitioner and co-founder of Rediscovering You. Welcome to the We Share podcast I'm Julie. I'm Alex. We share ourselves and we provide a platform for others to share. We believe everyone has a purpose and a story to tell. And we're back on the We Share podcast. I'm Julie and I'm Alex, and we have more women's health on board.
Yeah, some men trying out the month of October rounding out the month of October. Would you introduce our guests today? So happy to do that today. We've got Megan Tucker in studio. She's amazing. And all on all accounts. She's a mother to three kids. She's a nurse and a wellness coach with another guest that we've had on a couple times.
Rachel. So, Welcome, Meghan. Hey. You're welcome. Thank you. I'm excited to be here. Yeah. Of like. So I want to just dive into what you've been working on currently with Rachel. And we want to share that information with our guests. And then we're just going to go from there and see how the conversation flows. All right. It feels good to be in here.
I used to do group fitness all the time and have the microphone in front of me. It's been a minute. So I'm like, butterflies. Yeah, I'm like that having a microphone on my face. That's in fact how I met you. Yes it is. She used to be my coach at orange three. All right. So I was trying to think of the direction of what I really wanted to share.
And it really comes down to this program that Rachel and I are building. And I'll give more details of it. But the reason why is just because there is a story behind it, and, my background is exercise science. I graduated forever ago. So I got my degree in exercise science and then just followed a path of fitness and wellness.
At the time was mom wife like, just kind of had side jobs of teaching, group fitness and personal training. And so it's just like my little thing. And then over time, fast forward many years, I found myself divorced, single mom and still doing fitness coaching. But, looking into kind of having just something that was a little bit more stable.
So which is why I went into nursing. So I am in nursing school, it's 2020, about August, somewhere around there, and the overwhelm of life just kind of took me down and I found myself very depressed, very anxious, and I had experienced this before, so I knew I knew what it was, but I was stubborn. We didn't want to admit that I needed to be on antidepressants or something, so I kept going off of them and finding myself crashing.
So, third time having this happen and twice in a year period. So it was like, okay, like my children need me and I can't keep doing this. So I went back on the antidepressants, but this time was so bad that I like I couldn't eat, I couldn't sleep, I couldn't like my body, literally just kind of it was a blessing in disguise.
Wouldn't let me hide from whatever bigger issue was going on. So the anti depressants were actually like taking your appetite away. No, no, no, antidepressants actually keep me from going down this path. So I had gone off of my medication. Okay. When you you're off. That was. Yeah. Sorry. Sorry okay. No I had been taking them. I was like no, I want to wean off of them.
So at the time I was in school, just had a lot on my plate. Probably wasn't the smartest thing to try at that point to, to go off of them. But I had hit a point where, like, my body just fully shut down on me. So I had to sit in this place and really, like, look at what what was making me have these crashes and whether I had to be on medication or not forever.
It was like, at this point, you just need to accept that there is a bigger thing going on. You can't. I couldn't exercise my pain anymore. I couldn't try to put on this persona. And I also like, and I kind of rushed through my background story, but my whole life had kind of been this, like hustling for that label of being a good mom, being a good wife, being, I very much understand and resonate with you.
So I think that's I mean, I'm just a decade older than you, but very similar, like in mirroring that, like, so I got that pressure at the three kids to, you know, before I had Allie went through a divorce. So yeah, it's real. And being a fitness professional as well at the time, you cannot provide for your family for the lifestyle you were used to having.
Yeah. Teaching classes. It's like virtually impossible. You can own your body. Can your physical body can only handle so much. And so when you add like coaching element, that gives you the ability to, to branch out and then replicate and introduce more people and monetize greater. But it still is. It's a great I had this idea of what our life was going to work out like, right?
And I didn't. Yeah, exactly. And that's kind of like it. It kind of just came to that point of. But and I skipped over this part, left religion. So like not wanting to go back to my old life, but also just not knowing really what to do, like a lost soul in a way, and but also really tired of this same cycle happening over and over again.
I knew I was capable of more. I started working with a therapist at one point and I she would recommend books. I'm like, yeah, read it. She say this? And by the end of the session, I was like, giving her recommendations. I'm like, I can logically talk through all of this. I know that my reaction to the things going on in my life is like way overboard for what's happening.
Because yes, some hard things had happened in my life, but in the moment, nothing was necessarily wrong. But I was grasping at anything and everything. So come to this point where I had to drop out of nursing school. I talked to the counselor there. We decided it'd be best if I just took a semester off, took time to get myself back in a better place, and, that's when I just had to sit with myself.
And I feel like that's when I learned the true meaning of self-love. Like the true definition, in my opinion, because I had to learn to love me in a very broken space. It wasn't this like self-love. Take care of yourself and take care of your body and appreciate all the things it was like I have experienced depression before and I get to learn to love myself in this depressed state.
This like I can't do anything. I would go and try to work and then come home and I just would get on the couch and cause it physically hurt at this point, like I was at a point where the emotional pain was so bad that I physically couldn't function. So in waiting for. And I had no idea, it was when people say, how did you do it all?
I'm like, oh, it was ugly. Like, if you only could go back, but you were good at this. You were good at wearing the mask when you needed to and for moments. Okay. Like I said, the, few people got to see the true behind the scenes and there was nothing pretty about it. So yeah, it's I've never when people say like, how do you do it all?
I'm like, there was no doing it all. I literally I had to I had to drop out of school and, and just take time to focus on, on me and barely show up for my kids as much as I even had to give to them. So I came across these self-love and inner child meditations. And the girl. You can link it in the notes if you want to, but her name's Shelly Juilliard.
I don't even know how she came across my YouTube. Shelly, is that Billy? You know I'm Billy. No bull, yada yada. Okay, but she has all these, meditations, and I just listened to her voice over and over and over again, and it was the only thing that would just remotely get me, because, again, I couldn't even sleep at this point.
Like, I could not escape my, my pain. And I knew that I would feel better soon with taking the antidepressants. I'd taken them before, so I knew it's going to take time now. So you've got like a month ahead of you of like, great thoughts. I've just recently learned about it. Like it takes about a month to get in your system, but if you stop taking them, sometimes within days you can see, yeah, the reaction like or feel it and it's it's like not even like in a month it'll be in your system and then you'll just kind of feel better.
And so you need support around you to know, like it's not going to always feel that way. And I never got to a point where I was like, ready to check out a life. But I understood why people did. It was like waking up like this and feeling like this and not feeling like I especially because then you get this guilt and the shame of like, I have no reason to be depressed, like I have a fairly good life.
I have got amazing children. It could be so much worse. And I found that that phrase is it could be so much worse. Just put more guilt on me. Great. So if it were worse, would I just completely, like, crumble and never be able to do anything? So I literally it's automatically signing weakness to yourself when there shouldn't be an A, there shouldn't be a label put on you with that.
Right. But you just labeled yourself. Well it I well because we all do like like labels I hate labels but it's it's what we do as females. Yeah. Yeah. So it was even just learning like I'm not a depressed person but I am experiencing depression. Yeah. You are not depression. You're just a depressed person in that moment. And and having to learn to love myself in that moment, like not realizing that, hey, I can be a very empathetic person because I've experienced this and and just having to look at the smallest thing.
I listen to Rachel's episode that she did, and she was talking about that when she was going through her divorce, where you literally were like, I have a hand, I have an arm. Like, I've got things that I can be grateful for. And but what I learned through this process was to in coaching women with fitness is some people would have success, but I would say most people either fell back into old habits or self-sabotage.
And so it did come to a point where I'm like, I know there's more than just teaching exercise, and here's a meal plan. And so it was this when I realized, this is what I want to teach women, is how to really learn to love yourself so that when you do achieve that goal, you can actually celebrate it instead of being afraid you're going to lose it.
Instead of like getting to that point and going, this feels nothing like I thought it was going to feel and and realizing that we are just all kind of seeking that feeling. But it comes from within and nobody and nothing else can create that for us. Like we have to do that for ourselves. So when I came to a point where I was ready to start teaching again, I created a program.
I was going to do fitness coaching again. I'm like, this is missing something. And then and then Rachel came into the picture, you know, she says. And I knew that that was the missing piece. But I'm like, I don't know if I can teach that. Like, I don't know if I've, like I've experienced it for myself, but teaching it seems so much scarier.
So it was just nice to be able to bring her into the picture, because now we have this. It's called rediscovering You. It's a 12 week program. You do online modules and live weekly calls with us, and then we're developing a retreat at the end of it. For those who've gone through the program. So it's we're just in our beta group, right?
Yeah. It's super and it's developing as we go along. And I feel like she and I are both experiencing life on different levels and hard stuff and good stuff. So it's like it will continue to evolve as we do. But my whole thing just came down to I got to a point where, like, I couldn't out exercise my pain, I wasn't I had achieved fitness goals and realized that that wasn't what I really wanted, like it was my values not found in my body, my values not found in the labels, and the hustling for certain things.
Like it really is that inner deep self-love. And it's learning to love all parts of you, right? And recognizing that there's those inner child wounds that that do drive the bus, unless you actually take time to heal them and rewire your nervous system. And that's where I even got down to realize I was so good at helping with that.
Did she help you through that or had you done that before? I had done a lot of the work. It was just realized, like getting to the point where actually working on rewiring the nervous system. So that's where she's, you know, she's got all sorts of tools. And, she kind of just helped me put a lot of those together.
In the end, I think it's perfect how you guys have integrated tech, like, honestly. And you have similar life experiences, different ages, different pathways or, well, houses, but together, like the perfect combination for, you know, women. It's so weird because, I have run into people who are networked with Rachel in all these different aspects, right. And one of my favorite things that I can I can tag with all of these people that are connected to Rachel or have experienced help with Rachel or life with Rachel, is that they're really good at being vulnerable and figuring out who they are, and I personally think I suck at that.
So I think that that's why it's so highlighted to me, these people that Rachel has touched in her life, and obviously you are touching now in in their lives is that you teach them that it's it's okay to be vulnerable, it's okay to be broken. And we've got to repair it and, and move forward. Because I think as women we're like, no, it can't be broken.
Yeah. We don't want anyone to know that we're not perfect. Yeah. There's days we don't want to get out of bed. Yeah I will and I, I it's always hard to because if you do start pursuing something on social media like building a business, you also don't want to like, go out there and like, dispel your whole world.
So then you're like kind of battling like, well, what do I share? Because I don't want to portray that. I've got it all together. I also don't want people to think I'm like oversharing over here. So it is it is hard. And that's where I do love the coaching aspect, because you get people in a small group that can be more vulnerable and you can share these experiences and, have a chance to just connect with women and realize that you're not alone.
But it's even so, when I am teaching fitness stuff and people want the workout program or they want the nutrition plan, people are so wanting like the answer and it goes back. I'm like, I know you want the perfect meal plan, but honestly, you have to go back and do that in her work and realize that it's not in a meal plan, and it's not an exercise plan that you're going to get to your goals.
I believe your mind and your doing meditations and understanding that the power that will transform your body on the outside quicker than anything else. Because that's where I too. I'm like the times I've been in like that high state vibe. I'm like, I'm not counting calories. I'm not falling on my alpine. When I do that stuff, I almost binge or completely like try to be so perfect and then I'm not.
So then you're just like, well, why try? And so that's why I'm like, I don't even know how to teach this anymore because it's not it's not a meal plan. And I do think that there are things you can do to help your physical body and and movement is important and all of it, but it has to start within.
Within. And I agree. And then you don't need I, I don't think that you need to even count calories or have a workout plan that you make sure you're at the gym every day for an hour. It's like if you kind of just let go of needing the outcome to look a certain way and actually believe that you're capable, that because that's part of it, is like just letting being like, I'll get there.
I don't know exactly when I'm going to get there or how it's going to happen, but I'm going to stop self-sabotaging along the way because I'm going to start believing that I'm worthy of these things that I want to pursue. And then you start talking to women. And there's one who she she likes to cook. And she was like, I don't know why I'm not taking the time to do it.
And it was just being able to sit with her and say, if you take that time to do something that you enjoy, are you making like, do you feel guilty that you're not serving someone else at the time? Like, what is making and she this light went on for where she was like, oh my gosh, that is why I'm not taking the time to cook like a meal for my family at night, because that's something I enjoy.
And I'm not supposed to be able to, like, take that time to do things I'm so guilty for enjoying. Yeah. And so it's like you realize that you can then rewire the story yourself, a new story, and realize that it is those, like I said, kind of those inner wounds that we have that we don't even realize are there, that are driving the bus.
Yeah. Well, and you can really I mean, just from Rachel and other things I've learned too. You can like when you decide not to carry it anymore, like you just become lighter. And I think your hormones all the things start firing better. So your body's working more efficiently. Yes, because I have total sag. But along the lines of weight loss, I'm just going to bring it up because my son did this today.
And how much did you wear when you were Susan's age? His girlfriends. I mean, I'm like, why? Why does that even matter? And I'm like, I don't know, like 135 to 142 we're talking. I was like 26. I'm like, oh, wait, if I have stop hanging with Jackson, I was maybe 180, I don't know. And I said, why?
Doesn't matter. Bacon. I'm like different than Susan. And like, where where's this coming from? But it's back towards that whole labels or images or trying to be this and that. And I'm like, that doesn't matter. And I said, and you know what? I was not healthy back then. I was running 6 to 10 miles a day. If it was after I had Jackson or before I got pregnant, because I was dealing with other things that were going on in my personal life and just running myself to death because I thought I had to be a certain size, a certain, you know, I'm like, I wouldn't wish that upon anyone.
So be healthy, be happy, eat whatever you want and love yourself for like. But I mean, still don't eat bad things. But I mean, it just. There's a lot of pressure. Yeah, but that's it. When you kind of let go of it needing to be perfect, you find that you're not needing. You don't care for stuff like that.
Yeah. Yeah. It's not. And I don't eat perfect. But I also I used to like I did a bodybuilding competition to get back in shape after my third child. And that's when, you know, like, okay, maybe we've gone. Yeah. I mean, we've gone a little too far. While I was nursing him doing this and talk about wreaking havoc on your body, like at the end of this, I am certain my hormones were all over the place, and I hadn't quite dove into that world yet, so I didn't really know where to even look.
But it took a while for my body to get back on track. But shortly after this I went like the binging was out of control, and which was so discouraging because I did the whole thing to look a certain way. And then you achieve this body that is not realistic, nor is it maintainable. Yeah, yeah. And now I am like so far from being able to keep that up and like the pressure of it, the label of all of it, where when I've just let go of that, it's like my weight just kind of falls into like a nice little happy place and it doesn't really go up and it doesn't really go down.
And I'm not tracking and I'm not. And you tell people that and you can see the fear in their eyes like, no, if I don't track what I eat, I'll be out of control, like you might be for a second, but that's because we're so focused on the wrong outcome. Like the yeah, your thoughts. You're like you're trying to.
You're almost obsessed on it. Yeah. We're doing this out of fear instead of love. That's what I say. Like self-love was like, oh my gosh, I got to learn to love. Like, so if you want to lose weight first learned to love the body you're in, the one that you think you hate, the one you don't want to look like, the one you're trying to run from.
All of this excess weight and learn to love her. And she'll probably be a whole lot more likely to transform into a different size. And it's like, and when you love that version of you, because it really is where the magic is and it sounds out there, it sounds woo and it doesn't. I know it sounds too easy, right?
But it's that it really does. And that's what it's like. It sounds easy, but then when you have to actually like change your story, it's hard. For me and tell me if I'm off base here, but I feel like you're you're knitting together. The soul, the body and the mind. And when those are all knit together, then it actually works the way it's supposed to.
But some of us have the body parts broken or the mind is broken, or there's a little bit of both. Or maybe our soul is aching. And so then we're we're punishing the body or punishing the mind because our soul is aching. So if we can, if we can bring them all to a healthy place, you get to that.
You call it woo woo, but it's it's how we're supposed to be. Yeah. It's the definition of wellness, truly. I mean, yeah, yeah. The marriage of all those three. Yeah. And it is, it's like if you can get to a point where you're like, you might say, you'll ask me like, what weight do you want to be?
And they all have this idea and it's like, just a number, right? Why is that number so powerful to you? Because the number I thought, I want it to be that I was always trying to make that last 5 pounds. I achieved it when I was extremely depressed and I looked sick and I didn't. I couldn't do anything.
I couldn't even exercise at that point because I couldn't eat and I couldn't sleep. And so it was like, oh, well, I can weigh this, apparently, but I could, I could, yeah, but this is no way to live. No. And I weigh like, I'll, I'll weigh a number now that I would have at one point been like, oh no, never.
And I'm like, but I feel so good in my body. And by the way, I mean, we don't have our cameras rolling, but she's amazing looking like, oh yeah, perfect limbs, strong, slender, healthy body like you glow like so and I and I weigh an a weight that I probably at one point would have thought was way too much.
And it's. So it's just one of those where it's like getting away from whatever that. But it's just thinking that that's going to make you feel your worth, like you're going to be worthy at that point, if you weigh this amount or you're going to be worthy or loved by someone if you look a certain way or and or if I weigh that, I'm in control.
Yeah. And bodies are and I mean, they're just amazing the way they function. Like we have so much capabilities and I think all shapes and sizes, obviously, I'm always promoting wellness because I can't eat processed foods every meal. Some people do and I don't know how they get away with it and they're still skinny, but they've just gotten metabolisms by being that like where you just love and you want to put good nutrition.
I like to focus on nutrition more. And I know you, you talk about protein a lot like. Yeah. And that there's like at the core of it, if we like it, it's if you get to the science side of it, it's really the inflammation that. So inflammation is probably the underlying reason for most chronic diseases. So a lot of people have autoimmune disorders and it's driven by inflammation in the body.
And that is because of our food because of our environment. Not sleeping like all of those things that we need to be doing to be healthy. But also having a good conversation with people that uplift you can decrease inflammation in your body. There are certain things like meditation is going to calm that fight or flight system down, and it allows the inflammation to go down.
So it's like we have all this chronic inflammation because we don't really ever let ourselves just relax. And so yes, if you get to a point physically where the inflammation is out of control, then you do have to be a little bit more structured, maybe on the foods you eat, because if you eat certain things, your body just goes.
You wampus. But and if you pull that out for a while, your body might heal enough. And it's like, hey, I can now have some gluten and it's not going to send your body into this whirlwind. But also we can decrease our inflammation just through taking care of our emotional health and our mental health and and creating connections with other women.
So, it's, Sarah Gottfried, doctor Square, I think, is her name. She's the doctor that is teaching now about how trauma, is one of the underlying, like people who have autoimmune disorders most likely had some sort of extreme trauma as a child. As a child, because it creates. Yeah, it just throws the body off and the body's in that fight or flight for so long that the inflammation is out of control, and then the body starts to attack itself and you can start to reverse that.
They're even finding that with, weight loss injections, the GLP ones, that one of the biggest benefits that they're providing is not the weight loss. It's the reduced inflammation, which is probably one of the reasons why the body can start to let go of excess weight is because this inflammation is under control, and it's then the body's just reacting and working.
Yeah. So you know it's like, yeah, well I guess you could just take the injections and you can just try to eat healthy. But what if you actually just address the core issue, and rewire the nervous system so that your nervous system hasn't triggered any little thing because that's what you're doing? Yeah. Rediscovering you. Yeah. So pretend I'm.
I'm coming to your class. I want to, like, I approach you like, what do I need to do? What? How do I become involved in rediscovering you? Or how do I find out if this is for me? So I would say, honestly, it's for anyone who feels stuck or feels like they always sabotage their goals. But if you were going to come and join us, you do a pre-assessment and have a chance to really look at what you want to work on, find the focus that you want to work on through the 12 weeks, and then working through those online modules, be able to pinpoint whether this is like where this
pain is coming from. So for our listeners, where do they take that assessment or how do they. So the assessment would just, if you want to find it on social media right now, we'll be launching the program officially soon. So there'll be a lot more coming out. But you can follow me on, social media. It's. Is it under her umbrella, Alo wellness?
No. No. Rediscovering you, it's mostly just f on Instagram right now. Okay. So mine's Megan underscore Tucker underscore three. Okay. And then hers is rad. Reach. Yeah. Hey, rad. Hey. Rad range. And then you'll be getting more of that. There will be a website. It has more information. It's just that, yeah, we're still on this development stage, so.
Well, I just love it. I love that I can see the passion in her that this this is like coming from your heart. You. You mean this? You really want to help people. And that's a beautiful thing to see. Yeah. She took her pain and made it her purpose. Yeah. And I have teamed up with a better person than Rachel.
Yeah, we love her. She really is great. Now, I'm sure this is coming from a very broken, broken place on the couch. Just having to sit in that pain and. And then wanting to help women when so that they don't even have to get to that point. Or you're like me, help you before you get to where I was?
Yes. And there's tools and we can provide them to you. So this so they do this assignment, they sign up, they're going to get the modules. Are the modules hard? No it's okay. It's really like I mean there's a workbook that you'll like be able to work through your own stuff. But like we we go through the love thing, which is we go through kind of the role you played as a child.
Because you don't have to have a traumatic childhood to have issues. Oh, you could have a traumatic teenage years or early adulthood. Yeah. I think I think trauma is different for each people. Like like some people, if they're hearing this on the podcast, they're like, well, I wasn't beat as a kid. That's not all that trauma is.
You know, I, I spent hours and hours and hours alone. I was a caboose kid. Parents worked more than full time, both of. Yeah, that's what we are. And I raised ourselves. Yeah, I know that has caused issues in my adult life. I had a good life, had parents who loved me. But there was situations that left me feeling very alone, which then shaped who I was as an adult.
And that's trauma. Yeah, it is because that as a child you're trying to figure out, like it's very important, the survival, like the things that you had to do as a child to feel like you were safe and could survive. It worked. But then you become an adult and that child is still running around rampant. And but you kind of have to look and be like, oh, okay, now I understand why I am freaking out over the smallest things.
And and that's where the program really comes in and just helps you pinpoint that. Some people, it's really easy. Oh, I see your trauma. It's pretty loud and clear and others are like, no, I had a great childhood. And then you can dig a little bit deeper and you're like, okay, when you're ready to talk, I know, right?
We'll be here. Yeah. So and that's how my, my mom died when I was seven. And it's been years, you know, and you think you have that like that doesn't know my life anymore. But I realize that everything in my life I ever did was to never be blindsided again. To never have that moment. So it was like anything good in my life.
I was like, trying to hold on so tight because. Or I just never really wanted to let it in. Because if I let myself really love that deep again and have to get hurt that bad again. So it was like I was always on the lookout for something, someone that was gonna, you know, blindside me. And so that really is oh, that is actually still very much driving the bus.
Yes, that's a hard thing to experience, but you can get to a point where it doesn't have to affect everything you do and say, right, it doesn't. I mean, Jill and I both lost our moms, not as young as you did make them are more recent, but it's a it's always a thing though, right? Like there's this when other people have their moms around or can call their mom and you're just like, oh, I don't, I can't, I can just pray.
Yeah, I and she's watching. That's that's how I get through it. Yeah. That's just yeah, just taking that and realizing where your story started and why it's still controlling things. And so it's for the it's for anyone that feels stuck, that feels like they sabotage anything. It doesn't have to be extreme. You don't have to be like, I wish you guys would have started this like, five years ago.
I know, because I like doing this kind of stuff on my own for years, but, I mean, it always doesn't. It's a girl. I always think it's good to revisit and reset at any time that I feel like this is like my what I do constantly. I'm like, five years ago, me was not the one you wanted coaching you.
She was. She was the very learn to love her. But she was very broke. And five years ago this might be like too much task. And if it is, you can shut me down. But, after you've gone through this, this, discovery and this growth, what are your kids seeing now in comparison? What's it like with your kids versus what it was like five years ago?
Oh, you know, because I did have to have that moment with them. I'll let them know mom is going to be okay. You guys didn't do this. You did nothing wrong. Like we're going to get through this. And so, I mean, they saw me cry way too much, and that was probably one of the driving forces of, like, I can't because they're going to start to try to make up stories themselves of like, what did I do?
Why can't mom be happy? And so the times when they like, I got they're pretty good at writing me little notes, like for birthdays and things like that. And when my 14 year old, I just said that how proud she was that I was starting my own business and doing things, and it's really it's still so small and it's nothing elaborate.
But she was just so proud that I was working on my goals and the day that I passed my nursing boards, they were super proud and they got they were such a part of that. So they got they got a dog. That's what they got in return. They've been begging me for a dog and a dog, so I know that they can tell a difference and think, like to be able to show up to all of their events and have my daughter say that, like after volleyball, like, thanks for being my number one fan.
And so it's like these are the things where I can recognize, like I've come a long way because even when I was present for them, I wasn't it wasn't there. Like, you're definitely yeah, you're definitely winning. Yeah. I wanted to ask that question because I think that's one of the reasons women won't reach out for a group like this.
I can't show that weakness to my kids. I can't, I they need me so much. And the reality is they need us a whole you. I think they already know something's going wrong. They can sense it. Yeah. And, and so I, I wanted people to hear that the kids can grow with you through this and see a like a complete Megan.
Now instead of a broken Megan I think it's actually more valuable because they're going to be adults and they're going to have the same pressures that you have like, but even magnified because they started with cell phones. That's all I know. But like to because I went from the perfectionist to like, and no one could understand when things were hard because I hit everything.
Yeah. So if you're if you can be transparent and authentic with your kids as much as possible, because at the end of the day, their job is to be kids, right? But getting medical attention and working with therapists, adults, medical practitioners, everything like there's solutions. Yeah. And when you're willing to do that for yourself, what the biggest thing for your kids is that, like when they're going through a hard time, I'm not taking it personal.
I'm not oh my gosh, getting triggered that I'm a bad mom or worried about it. It's like I can sit with them through their pain because I learned to sit with my own pain. And so I think that's the biggest thing that we learn is and that's how we help our kids the most, is like, guess what? It's okay to have these emotions big and they're hard and it's not comfortable and it can be scary to share it.
But we can't sit with someone else's pain if we haven't been willing to sit with our own. Yes, and you can love them through the fear, the pain, which that's a beautiful thing. And actually it's very healing. And it happens. I have adult kids. Alex has adult kids. The pain doesn't go away once they turn 18. You sit with them in pain.
When they're 23, you sit with them in pain when they're 30. And so there's there's no age limit on fixing this and fixing your own pain so that you can be a better mother. Absolutely. Yeah. And it's like that's where it just comes down to. It's like I when I finally just learned to love the parts of me that I thought I had to hide, things started falling into place and I now I am working as a nurse and I get to do like some stuff where I'm like my own business as a nurse.
I go out and do vitamin injections and IVs and Botox and it's super fun. And then I'm building this business with Rachel and my kids are thriving, and when they're having a hard time, I can sit with them. And so I know that the true work that had to be done was not found in a fitness plan, and it was not found in a nutrition program.
It was it was me being with me. And yeah, you found it in you. And I believe you were inspired to do it 100%. Yeah. Okay. Well, would you like to leave with our listeners? We always ask our guests, you know, tell us something. It can be your nugget. It can be your it can be completely away from all of this, but just Tucker ism, a mechanism or whatever, like, oh, I don't even know if I have any of those, but mine is just if to the woman who thinks that she needs to lose the last 10 pounds or has 50 to 100 pounds to lose you, if you'll take the time to, IRA,
can you share the meditation that I found? I don't know if it'll even speak to you. Forward it to me. I'll. I'll touch it in there. Okay. I think it would be so beneficial for our listeners. And if it doesn't speak to you, go find one that does. Like. It doesn't have to be this specific one, but learn to love yourself today.
And when I say today, I know it's not going to happen today, in this moment, it's going to take practice. It is over and over and over again. But start creating how you want to feel now so that when you actually achieve that goal, you can be proud of yourself and and then not revert back to old behaviors.
Changes so hard because it's uncomfortable and we don't. Our brain doesn't like it, so it will revert back to unhealthy behaviors just to have something familiar. And it's why we sabotage. It's why it's so hard to just break free of these cycles. And your nervous system is a powerful tool and it once served you. But now you can let go.
It's it's time to be able to trust yourself. So that is my message is just stop hustling. Stop thinking that there is some magic thing out there other than there is magic. It's just inside. And if you will learn to love yourself in this present moment, whether you like what it looks like or not, I promise you you'll be able to transform and create into something that you didn't think was possible.
Yeah, and your level. Really? Yeah. Right about that. Will definitely share that meditation. And you can find it on YouTube. You said in the meditations, right. And all these programs you can buy but like her free stuff is is amazing. I love that because it's instantaneous. You can start at the second you listen to this podcast. Yes. So that's great okay.
And then say your social media again okay. So it's Megan Mega and underscore Tucker underscore three. And I'll tag her in the show posting. And as well as great outreach so that you guys can just DM yeah, that's a I mean it's okay to thing. It just doesn't matter. Send the message. We're still so in the beginning stages that we have the space to do that.
So please do. And it kicks off January. Yeah. Lovely. Rediscover you all of you guys out there. You need to rediscover you got there ready for you. Thank you Megan. Thank you. I.
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